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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:33:19
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1. 让...见鬼去吧:5260to go剩下的,未完成的 | 5261to hell with让...见鬼去吧 | 5262to my mind依我看

2. to hell with什么意思

2. [口]让...见鬼去:62.to ground 触礁,搁浅 | 63.to hell with [口]让...见鬼去 | 64.to lose consciousness 失去知觉

To hell with the metaphor. You get the point, right?(懒得用比喻了你知道意思的,对么?。)
To hell with Steve. It's about them. About this fight.(让斯蒂芬去见鬼吧现在是她们两人之间的战斗。)
You selectively order the cars you think you would like to market and to hell with the rest.(你们只管有选择地按照你们认为可以卖出去的规格订购车子,剩下的你们都不管啦。)
To hell with this, I'm getting out of here.(让它见鬼去吧,我要离开这里了。)
Thrall: to hell with your apologies! Right now I need you to help me save our people!(萨尔:“让你的道歉见鬼去吧!现在,我需要的是你帮我拯救我们的人民!”)
The road to climate hell is paved with our good intentions.(通往气候地狱的道路是用我们的正面目标铺成的。)
"To hell with the Ministry, " growled Greyback. "They'll take the credit, and we won't get a look in.(“去个屁魔法部,”格雷伯克吼道,“他们会抢了功劳,而我们看都看不到一眼。)
To hell with those old-fashioned ideas!(陈旧的传统观念见鬼去吧!)
Go to hell with this sorrowful world and its sorrowful vi…(下地狱去吧!这个悲伤的世界和悲哀认为完全摆脱…)
I had been accustomed while on earth to oppose tyrannous authority, and this habit remained with me in Hell.(我在地上时习惯了反对暴虐的掌权者,在地狱里这习惯也随着我一起来了。)
to hell with是什么意思 to hell with在线翻译 to hell with什么意思 to hell with的意思 to hell with的翻译 to hell with的解释 to hell with的发音 to hell with的同义词